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Tips for Scrolling using Remote Control (OneTouch AT)

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The OneTouchAT can be remote controlled from a web browser or from your OneTouchAT cloud account. When scrolling through the menus and lists that appear after a test has been run there are a few options available. The example below shows the Wired Analysis results after an AutoTest has completed. The All tab is selected which contains 30 devices.

Keyboard Scrolling
To scroll through the list of devices you can use the up/down arrow keys, this will increment the list one device at a time. Also a status bar appears on the right side of the list (as seen below) showing you where in the list you are currently viewing. To scroll through the list more than one device at a time you can use the page up/down keys. This will cause the list to increment by a page, which is about seven devices at a time. The same status bar appears on the right side of the list showing the current location you are viewing.

Mouse Scrolling
You can also scroll through the list using a mouse. Click and hold the left mouse button on the right edge of the screen to scroll through the list of devices as seen below. Once the status bar appears you can move the mouse pointer away from the status bar and continue to scroll through the list as long as you continue to hold the left mouse button down.